Then, you must manage yourself about the financial. The club financial must be a balance between expenditure and income. Every September of the year, club must pay everything about their expenditure cost like players salary, youth team, doctor of the team, and others crew of the club like coach, scout, and more. You must often win in every game, so more and more sponsors are willing to sponsor your club. You as a manager of a club that you run must also be clever in managing the salary of the players, do not get too high, because it can make the club finances tight. Also on the contrary, do not get too low, because the players can leave to others club.
And another important thing is to arrange for your club so can become one of the great club that can win the championships. You must be clever to set strategy, formation, and the composition of your team so that the club often win. In conclusion, PES 2011 Master League Mode is a combination of strategies from a manager to arrange the financial as well the team as the the real coach. Hope this simple introduction and tips can provide benefits to you.
And another important thing is to arrange for your club so can become one of the great club that can win the championships. You must be clever to set strategy, formation, and the composition of your team so that the club often win. In conclusion, PES 2011 Master League Mode is a combination of strategies from a manager to arrange the financial as well the team as the the real coach. Hope this simple introduction and tips can provide benefits to you.
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